whitelogo.jpg (15707 bytes)

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The popular toy that's swept the world is one of the hardest to find. But now you can get your own!!! I have a wide selection of both current and retired Tamagotchis in all different colors!!! Plus for a limited time, the  clear orange is only $25!!!!  So take advantage of this deal before it's too late!!!! I currently have the following:

Generation 1- Retired-Released Spring of 97

white black tama1.jpg (9851 bytes)  REALTURGTAMA.jpg (3680 bytes)  CLEAR GREEN YELLOW TAMA'.jpg (3509 bytes)  blue-hotpink.jpg (2417 bytes) 

A.White/Black       B.Turquoise           C. Clear Green      D. Blue with Hot pink

RARE     $25                $25                    Rare   $30                     $25


JUST RELEASED Special CHRISTMAS Generation 1 Fourth Wave colors NEW! Late Fall

orange black.jpg (4285 bytes)                    wpe1E.jpg (2344 bytes)                      yellow purple.jpg (4143 bytes)

E. Red and Black                 F. Clear Purple                    G.Yellow with Purple 

$20                                          RARE $17                                    $20                               

   green and white.jpg (3827 bytes)                 wpe1D.jpg (3017 bytes)                       red and white.jpg (3972 bytes) 

H. Green with White     I.Lavender with White Swirls         J.White with Red 

$20                                     $20                                                 $20


Generation 2-Ist Wave colors- Retired-Released Summer of 97

  silver-black.jpg (4637 bytes)    black-grey.jpg (4222 bytes)   Camo.jpg (4520 bytes)    clear pink.jpg (4566 bytes)

K.Silver/Black $17 L.Black/Grey $17  M.Camoflauge $17  N. Clear Pink Rare $17                     

  Tigerstriped.jpg (5184 bytes)    white-grey.jpg (4643 bytes)

O.Tiger Striped $20   P.White/Grey $17

Generation 2-2nd Wave colors- Just Retired!

Released Early Fall of 97

Blue-Black.jpg (4041 bytes)  Clear Orange.jpg (3957 bytes)  Orange-Black.jpg (4605 bytes)  Red-Black.jpg (3951 bytes) 

Q. Blue/Black      R.Clear Orange  S. Halloween Spec. T . Red/Black

$16                 SALE $16 RARE            $17                 $16

White-Black camo.jpg (4608 bytes)   Yellow-Green.jpg (4541 bytes)

U. Black Camo     V. Yellow/Green Stripes

$17                 $17

New! Generation 2- 3rd wave colors Retired

image9TQ.bmp (38454 bytes)      imageKUG.bmp (38454 bytes)       imageRQ9.bmp (38454 bytes)       imageUVN.bmp (38454 bytes)

W.Leopard Spots    X. Christmas Special  Y. Clear Black      Z. Blue with White slashes

$16                          $17                           $25                        $17

 imageVH8.bmp (38454 bytes)           clear.JPG (4196 bytes)

AA Pumpkin Orange     AB. Crystal Clear

$17                                   RARE    $20

NEW! Generation 2 Wave four Colors Late Fall 97

clear light blue.jpg (4023 bytes)                    blue silber.jpg (4124 bytes)                 red green white.jpg (4201 bytes)           

AC.Crystal Clear Blue         AD. Blue with silver tama      AE. Half Red/Half Green

RARE $25                        characters. $20                              $16

 yellow with blue characters.jpg (4155 bytes)               white pink character.jpg (4077 bytes)                       wpe1C.jpg (2749 bytes)

AF.Yellow with blue     AG. White with Pink        AH. White with pink and yellow swirls

tama characters $20       tama characters $20                          $20

NEW! Generation 2- RARE EXCLUSIVE GOLD Tamagotchigold tama.JPG (23650 bytes)gold.jpg (2198 bytes)

AI. Gold Tamagotchi $16


If you already have a Tamagotchi, and are looking for something to put it in to protect it, click here

 tom4.jpg (16594 bytes)


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